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Guide price: £455,000
Argyle Road, Ealing, W13 - sold
Key Features & Description
  • Art Deco Ground Floor Flat
  • Two Double Bedrooms
  • Direct Access to Garden
  • No Onward Chain
  • Large South Facing Communal Garden
  • Close to Cleveland & Pitshanger Parks
  • Easy Access for West Ealing Station
  • EPC: TBC / Council tax band: C
  • Leasehold: Until 28th September 2974
  • Service Charge: £1683pa Ground Rent: £100pa
  • 681sq ft (63.3sq m)

A lovely two double bedroom Art Deco ground floor flat with direct access to an impressive southerly aspect communal rear garden. The property occupies a peaceful position within the development and benefits from long lease in excess of 900 years unexpired. As the vendors sole agent, we can confirm the property is being sold with the benefit of no onward chain. Edmonscote is situated just down the road from the green open spaces of both Cleveland & Pitshanger Parks, making it well positioned to take advantage of the village feel of the mix of brasseries and boutiques along Pitshanger Lane. In the other direction, well-known retailers like Waitrose are available in West Ealing. West Ealing Elizabeth Line Station is approximately 1km. Drivers can take advantage of the easy access to the A40, those who prefer to travel by car will be thrilled by the convenient residents first come first...

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Jason Godfray - Gibbs Gillespie
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Pitshanger Area Guide

If you are looking for an award-winning High Street and a great community atmosphere, then look no further than Pitshanger!

Pitshanger (sometimes referred to as Pitshanger Village) is a small but busy local suburb centred around the 50 or so shops in Pitshanger Lane. It is located about 1 mile north of Ealing Broadway.

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Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

Guide price: £455,000
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