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1 Bedroom Flat/Apartment for sale

Asking price £499,950
Belgravia House, Dickens Yard, Ealing, London, W5
Key Features & Description
  • Secure Gated Underground Parking
  • Luxury Fourth Floor Apartment
  • Open Plan Living Accommodation
  • Private Balcony Contemporary
  • Kitchen with Integrated Appliances
  • One Double Bedroom
  • Fully Tilled Stylish Bathroom
  • 24hr Concierge, Residents Spa, Swimming Pool, and Gym Leasehold – 250 Years from October 2010
  • Council Tax Band – D / EPC – C
  • 487sqft (45.2sqm)

This contemporary residence is situated within the esteemed Dickens Yard development, featuring an exclusive private balcony and secure gated underground parking. The expansive open-concept kitchen and living space boast elegant wooden flooring, enhancing the overall airy ambiance of the apartment. The modern kitchen comes fully equipped and offers ample storage space. Complete with a spacious bedroom and a built-in wardrobe, this neutrally adorned apartment provides chic and convenient living in the vibrant heart of central Ealing. On-site facilities include a 24hr concierge and the developments’ spa, swimming pool, and gym are for exclusive use for residents. There is also secure gated underground parking. Belgravia House is situated in Dickens Yard with its extensive choice of restaurants, cafes, and bars. Close to the Uxbridge Road in Central Ealing it offers easy access to Ealing...

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Ealing Broadway Area Guide

On the doorstep of some of West London’s most glorious open spaces and vibrant local amenities, Ealing’s popularity has catapulted in recent years. Having undergone a huge transformation from a rural Middlesex village into a major metropolitan district, the borough is teeming with independent restaurants, coffee shops and retail outlets. Whether you are a first-time buyer, a professional couple, or a family, you will be spoiled for choice.

For children, Ealing is home to some excellent youth sports clubs including hockey, football, and swimming or for budding young performers, there are various clubs that offers drama, dance, singing and music practice.

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Data refers to prices and sales numbers achieved in the last 12 months (all residential property types).
House price change compares average prices achieved in the last 12 months with the previous 12 month period.
Sources: Dataloft, Land Registry, Dataloft Rental Market Analytics

Asking price £499,950
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